If I had to describe the Portland trip it would be muddy but fun. We headed down to the Portland bunkhouse with high hopes and a mixed weather forecast. With rain coming in early afternoon on the first day we got up and out to Blacknor Beach.
We started off on Fallen Slab, which had a good choice of easy routes (3-4) for people to warm up on and get their first lead in of the year! Mean while Ethan and I climbed on the seaward face a 6a+ (le Cranium Casse), which turned out to be far from a warm up and a bit of a sand bag.
Once warmed up Ethan and I ticked off Escape form the Dwaarfee Room (6a), Punter Way (6a+) and The Lizard of Oz (6a+). With Charlene starting up It’s my life (5c), before unfortunately being rained off. We retreated back to the bunkhouse for a group meal, the final of the six nations and a puzzle!
Getting to the crags was entertaining in itself with an array of ropes, steps, staples and chains. At one point Lauren and Lucy even had to make use of combined tactics! On the second day once the fog had lifted we walked into Battle ship Back Cliff, where some heroic moves were made on Tiny Goddess (5c).
We then spent the rest of the day climbing the various routes on the main face and back block, including The Price of Silence (6a), A dream of White Porsches (5C), Hang Onto Your Ego (6b) and No Smears Here (6a+).
