At the end of March Tom, Josh, Steve, Paul and I stayed at the cosy CIC for four days of winter climbing.

Checking out the Cascade, then running away when the cornice started collapsing:)
Annoyingly conditions were great the week before and the week after! We had to contend with a freezing level above the summit and rain until the last day. But the Ben came good and showed us just how resilient it can be.
Routes climbed included- Number Two Gully, Comb gully buttress, North East Buttress (twice) and Good Friday climb.

Comb Gully Buttress
The highlight for me was a full on mountaineering adventure up the North East Buttress starting after a leisurely lunch, summiting at 8pm then descending the CMD arete and Coire Leis by moonlight.
I’ll be aiming to book six beds for next year around the same time.

Trying to find a way down into Coire Leis

Looking up at the North East Buttress on the way down.