A group of 10 joined forces to make this north wales trip pretty great, staying in the Gwern Gof Uchaf campsite right at the base of Tryfan we were in the best location for all our outdoorsy needs.
Thursday James and myself arrived mid afternoon and shot strait off to climb Gashed Crag on tryfans east face, an hour or so later Jamie and Lisa arrived and managed to get a couple of routes in before dusk.
We got to the top of tryfan before dark and had a sunset before a walk down by headlamp to compete a really eager start to our weekend 👌🏽

Jumping the Adam and Eve stones on tryfan

The first of many times up Tryfan that weekend

Lisa high on Tryfan

Lisa working her way through some crack systems as dusk sets in
On the Friday people were keen to get climbing and three parties headed up to the east face of tryfan for some multipitch action while sarah and kev went off to get there hiking boots warmed up.
An hour plus uphill walk to the foot of the routes got everyone warmed up and we eagerly headed off up our climbs, everything turned a bit soggy a few pitches up when we got our heads into the clouds but all worth it and turns out the valley was clear and bright for when we got back to have a fire and a beer 👌🏽
James a few pitches up Grooved Arête on Tryfans east face

James, Simon and Tim Decending out of the clouds down the north ridge of tryfan after the climbs ready for all the camp had to offer.

Kev and Sarah route finding on their first days hike.

Evening around the fire planning the coming days
On the Saturday most people headed over to idwal slabs for some more rock action and the weather was beautiful again, Sarah headed off to get some good hiking milage in and Kev checked the local sheep were all in order 😊 Grace and Mark completed a couple of multi pitches on the slabs, Tim and Simon took on Tennis Shoe followed by the classic Grade 3 scramble ‘Cneifion Arête’ while James and myself climbed the slabs followed by the same scramble and then managed to drag ourselves to the top of Tryfan to catch sunset and have a great finish to a very long and hard day in the mountains…great work all around 👌🏽
Grace rocking out on the Idwal Slabs 🤘🏽
Tim taking in the view high on ‘Tennis shoe’
Kevs sheep photoshoot 🐑 📸

James getting ready to tackle Cneifion Arête

Sunset from the top of Tryfan A very good first full day for everyone I think 👍🏽
Sunday was a mix of activities as Tim and Simon went back to Idwal slabs while Grace, James, Mark and Sarah went off on a long Scramble/hike for the day…myself and Kev went to Little Tryfan to get Kevs first ever outdoor routes under her belt 🥳🥳 The weather was great all day again until some scatterings of rain late on but as anyone who has been to North Wales will tell you it was basically perfect again!
Kev getting her face into the sun at the top of Little Tryfan….not the worst place to get your first outdoor routes in 😊

Taking deep breathes before decending…thinking calm thoughts 😂
Sarah Loving Life in the mountains up on the Tryfan North Ridge at the start of the days scrambles 😁
The gang heading up the Brisky Ridge section of their day….

Tim with a pretty decent belay spot up on the Idwal Slabs.
Monday was the final day and we decided to check out the Llanberis slate quarries, I had personally only seen from afar and it was amazing to explore them and see how vast they actually are! We started off with a few routes at Calafornia Crag and then some rain came in so with Mark and Kev departing us for home, Tim, Simon, James and myself decided to explore the quarries via ‘snakes and ladders’ which is a great via ferrata type affair which involves a lot of rusty ladders, big abseils and tunnels to duck though…the rain added to the whole experience….for me anyway….and a great way to end a great trip to the area.
Soggy abseils….

Soggy climbs
Kevs second outdoor climbs on the Welsh slate

Bit of exploring out of the rain

Kev loving life ☺️
James tackling the super duper sturdy ladders 😬

Not the worst views to finish the trip with.
So that’s it, great trip, great weather and great people. It was my first one with the club and enjoyed every second of it….hope to be on another one soon and meet/see some of your faces there also. Not exactly sure if this is a write up as much as a photo album but pics speak a 1000 words or something I once heard 🤷🏽♂️ Stay happy everyone and keep it outdoors Geoff ✌🏽